8 Things I Learned From My Dog

As a dog owner, I’ve often found myself marveling at how much my dog teaches me, not just about care and responsibility, but about life itself. From her joyful enthusiasm to their simple approach to happiness, there’s a lot we can learn from our canine companions. Here are 8 lessons I’ve learned from my dog..honestly, she’s a tiny, furry life coach.

1. Live in the Moment
Put the phone down and be present. I'm so guilty of this. I want to capture content or a picture of Vienna looking adorable, that I forget to be present. Dogs possess an amazing gift for living in the moment. Whether they're chasing a ball or peacefully strolling, they are completely absorbed in the present. This has taught me the significance of mindfulness, rather than always focusing on the future or dwelling on the past.

2. Self Care Isn’t Selfish
When my dog gazes up at me with her brown eyes, begging for a spot on the sofa beside me, I am reminded of the importance of self-care. Vienna requires her daily walks, treats, and bathroom breaks. This is her scheduled "me-time" and she will certainly make it known if we deviate from it. I have learned to prioritize moments of rest thanks to her. Dogs are experts in napping, and Vienna is always eager for a cozy nap on the couch by my side.

3. Take Time for Play
As humans, we often prioritize work over maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Vienna constantly reminds me of the importance of play through games like ball or tug of war using her beloved lamb plush toy. Regardless of our age, play is crucial for our mental and emotional well-being. My dog serves as a daily reminder to have fun and not let life become too serious.

4. Patience is Key
Vienna likes to ride in the car, the command “lets go” means we’re going on an adventure. Dogs are experts in the art of patience, reminding us that great things come to those who wait. The anticipation only amplifies the sweetness of the reward, and for our four-legged companions, treats are given for their impressive tricks and good conduct.

5. Be Curious and Explore
Dogs are natural explorers, always sniffing out new places and people. My busy schedule as a full-time worker and weekend pop-up vendor has taught me the importance of taking a moment to appreciate and discover new things, just like I do with Vienna. Sometimes I can't be home with her as much as I'd like, bringing her with me to events and making time for walks allows for new discoveries. This mindset can be applied to life as well - always seek out new experiences and allow yourself to embrace the good moments that come your way.

6. Savor the Little Things
Indulge your pup with life's small luxuries - whether it's a special snack, a plush lamb toy, or a simple stroll around the neighborhood. My dog, Vienna, loves accompanying me on errands, reminding me to appreciate the little things in life. Amidst the hustle and bustle, she teaches me that true happiness can be found in the simplest of moments.

7. Loyalty is Everything
In a world where things can often feel uncertain, my dog is my bestie. She's loyal through every mood and every phase of life. Vienna's unconditional love and loyalty has taught me the importance of being there for the people I care about—and how to appreciate the love I get in return. Loyalty is a rare and beautiful thing, and it’s worth cherishing in all relationships, whether with your dog or a person.

8. Enjoy the Simple Things
Whether it’s a nap in the sun, a belly rub, or a new toy, my Vienna finds joy in the smallest of things. Her enthusiasm for life’s little pleasures teaches me that happiness often comes from the simplest moments—if only we stop to notice them. Taking her to walk on the boardwalk is a huge benefit for both of us. She loves to visit the dog beach and I love to watch her joy and running off leash on the beach and exploring the sand with the calm waves in the background.

Our dogs are more than just companions; they’re life's teachers in fur coats. From their joyful spirits to their unwavering loyalty, they have a way of reminding us of what truly matters. Take a cue from your pup, and live life with more joy, a little more patience, and a whole lot of love.


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